games Voting: What was your biggest moment at the Olympic Games in Beijing?

The Winter Olympics in Beijing 2022 are finished. From a German point of view, it was very successful games with big moments - but which was the biggest?

In 16 days in Beijing and the winter sports facilities of the surrounding area, Team Germany brought a total of 27 medals (12 gold, 10 silver, 5 bronze) and was thus the second consequent nation to Norway.

Among them were some medals that one could quite expect, for example with the bobbies and roders, but also complete surprises like the cross-country-gold of Katharina Hennig and Victoria Carl, or the single Olympic victory of Biathletin Denise Herrmann.

But not only medals made in Beijing for big moments: Claudia Pechstein, for example, played their already eighth Olympic games, even if they could only peer this time the final feed in the mass start. And SkyRosserin Daniela Maier caused astonishment because she first did not want to accept her bronze medal: In her eyes, competitor Fanny Smith had been wrongly disqualified.

And of course, there were historic records such as Rodlerin Natalie Geisenberger with their now six gold medals, or even the Gold Double of "King of Bob" Francesco Friedrich.

Bach: Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games is very successful We want to know of you: Which moment of the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing will you not forget so quickly? For app users, it goes along here

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