LOL: corejj, the architecture of the server without ping, OTPs and toxicity for the professionals of the LCS

One of the usual complaints of the professional players of the North American LCS of League of Legends is the latency of their servers. Being excuse or not, the truth is that ping in the United States and Canada is too high if we compare it with a good European fiber, or the different Chinese and Korean servers.

But this will never be more a problem in that region. As the LCS itself has announced yesterday, a supper server will be created Champions Queue that will bring together all professionals in the region. According to: You will be hosted on the west coast and will be accessible only to high-level players who commit to improve.

core was the spark of change

There is still no more information about this private server for professionals from North America, but the intrahistory has been relieved after it. Because his architecture has not been another that the great emblem of the region during these last times and brand-new user of a green card, Jo core Jong-il. This has narrated the Twitter account of the Association of Players of the LCS (ALCAPA).

CoreJJ - How To Support Ep.01 Laning Phase | League of Legends

Champions Queue started as a conversation directed by Core six months ago, he put the challenge that the association found a way of creating an ecosystem of Solo in which all players could improve, begins relating that Twitter account. After so many years in North America, Core has been vital in the sporting performance of the region, but it is also involved when it comes to improving its infrastructures.

Subsequently we met with all players in person and learned what their perfect Solo would be like, as well as their main discomfort, tells the association before confirming that with this information, it was addressed to Riot Games to request the creation of an alternative Training for professionals. They say that this fact has taken a few months of development in the shade.

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This is more than a single and private single. Challenger Queue is the future of the LCS domestic and out of here. It is a commitment to provide the best training ecosystem for the best players in the region. Ping low, without TRICKS, Banjos for toxicity and meaningful., They count from the Association.

At the moment it has not been said when this private server will come into operation, but it is reported in the official text of the LCS that during the next few months we will learn more about it.


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