Tales of Arise 30 seconds CM breaks up to 2.9 million playback! Vocalization of crying to the content

Tales of series Latest work Tales of Arise , 30 seconds cm , published on Tuesday, August 17, has a top of 29 million playback and has attracted great attention.

Regardless of the game, the video playback is quite difficult to break through one million times. This time, we have recorded 2.9 million players approximately approximately one month. It is not a precedent game in the game CM so far, but it is still rare.

At this 30 seconds cm, the song Hello, Again-AGAIN-AGAIN-old-fashioned place- by Singer Songwriter, Ayaka. Introducing one end of this work. The line of the character of the character If you laugh, laugh together, let's cry together, everyone, everyone! Catch copy Such a straight feeling? And This journey is surely Leave you is impressive.


While drifting the whole, warm tears are soaring that the warm tears are still flowing, and it is a content that will reminisen the nostalgic game CM.

From the viewer, I was able to put my chest in 30 seconds in 30 seconds. I was teardling and CM watched and attracted to FF10? Tales away But I made a reservation this time I was away from the game for several years, but I watched this CM and I felt nostalgic heat in my chest.

In addition, Series Producer and Yusuke Tomizawa also respond to this and are surprised at the number of players. It is expected to decorate 3 million playback on the release date of September 9 (Thu) tomorrow. How about books that resonate on the chest of users, how about checking this opportunity again?

Tales of Arise will be released from PS5 / PS4 / Xbox Series X | September 9 (Thursday) September 92 (Thu) for S / Xbox One / PC ( PC version is September 10 (Fri)). Please check the official site for various product lineups.
