Call of Duty: Vanguard Beta Killstreaks reveladas

All the world's a stage is the expression that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare's pastoral funny As You Like It, spoken by the moody Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 139. The speech compares the globe to a stage and life to a play as well as brochures the 7 phases of a guy's life, occasionally referred to as the seven ages of guy.

Call of Duty: Vanguard'S Multiplayer mode brings back Killstreaks instead of scorestreams, performance-based rewards that provide new and powerful players who adapt to the number of deaths followed. Many of these Killstreaks are relatives who have existed in almost all the Games of Call of Duty, but given that VANGUARDIA returns players to the stage of the Second World War, some of the Killstreaks look a few differently this time.

During our practical experience with the game, we were able to see all the Killstreaks offered in the beta in action. Those who are at the lower end of the Killstreak scale were naturally more frequent in our games with Spy Plans and Counter Spy plans filling the heavens almost all the time, but we could also see some of the most powerful Killstreaks in action. The complete list of Killstreaks that we know so far according to what was seen in the first look at the beta version can be found below.

Call of Duty: Vanguard Killstreaks so far

  • Intel - 3 deaths
    • It reveals enemies close to the invoker player through repeated pings in the minimap for a short period of time.
  • Help package: 4 deaths
    • Launches a unique care package that rewards a streak of random deaths when picked up
  • Spy airplane - 4 deaths
    • Call a spy plane that reveals all enemy positions in the minimapi to the allies. It can be knocked down.
  • Counter Spy Plane - 4 deaths
    • Call a counterpionage aircraft that hides the minimap for all enemies. It can be knocked down.
  • Planning pump - 5 deaths
    • Launches a pump whose way can be guided towards the enemies, killing them instantly.
  • DEATHMACHINE - 5 deaths
    • Equip a machine gun with explosive rounds and a fixed bullet number. He persists through death until the ammunition is exhausted.
  • Bombardment of mortar - 5 deaths
    • Throw a sparkler boat to mark a repeated mortar fire area.
  • Warmachine - 7 deaths
    • Equip a semiautomatic grenade with a fixed number of pomegranates. He persists until death until the ammunition is exhausted.
  • Flamenaut - 9 deaths
    • Receive a flamethrower with unlimited fuel and a protective suit. Both lost when dying.
  • Attack dogs - 10 deaths
    • Invokes a herd of attack dogs that attack nearby enemies over a period of time.

Two Steps From Hell - Victory ( War Thunder + World of WarShips  - 'Victory is ours!' )

Attack dogs in vanguardia were as annoying as they were in previous games, so wait for them to be a great threat if they ever unleashen into a game. The Glide Bombs also fell quite frequently, and were easy to control to land in unforeseen areas, so we hope that they are also a frequent choice.

However, this was only what was seen in our experience, so the final Killstreaks and the number of murders needed to achieve each one can vary between now and de vanguard launch of November.
